Welcome From the Dean

Dr. Keith Marzullo
Welcome to the University of Maryland (UMD) College of Information Studies (INFO). When you step through our doors, you’ll find students chit-chatting on their way to classes and events—or sketching out project plans in collaborative group workspaces. Glass walled research labs where you can take a peak at cutting edge data research or accessible technology development. Admin offices where staff are innovating higher education operations and students are a part of the bustling teams. Framed portraits on the walls of data visualizations created by our faculty and murals of diverse students exploring the information sciences. Lecture halls where top employers and industry professionals—hand in hand with awarded faculty—are educating our students.
What connects all of this vibrant action? Our commitment to information and technology for good. And, if you are reading this, I suspect you are interested in this too—to work here, teach, or become a student. Or, perhaps to become a partner, hire our students, or provide scholarship support. Let me be the first to say welcome.
If you are considering joining INFO as a team member, you will be working alongside 58 staff and 69 faculty members devoted to expanding the frontiers of information science research and education. We are a highly collaborative environment that is truly interdisciplinary. Across administrative projects, academic development, and research, we hold dear the ways we seek to learn and work with each other, and strive to partner with other units at the University of Maryland and beyond.
If you are interested in studying here, you will be joining 2500+ students from 63 countries around the world, all with a passion for studying how to use information and technology to make the world a better place. And, at INFO, we believe one of the best ways to learn—is to do. We have a robust hands-on learning program, connecting students with top industry partners for real-world project experience and networking. Our graduates go on to become archivists, curators, programmers, consultants, data scientists, cybersecurity professionals, UX designers, researchers, and much more.
If you are looking to hire or support smart and motivated students, we hope you’ll join us as a partner. Our students graduate with a deep expertise in information and technology combined with advanced skills in people and teams. Our STEM programs have incredible diversity, adding to the experiences and strengths of our graduates. We have many ways you can partner with us from adjunct lecturing or mentoring in the annual INFO Challenge event—to providing a Capstone project to our students or supporting a scholarship fund.
I invite you to learn more about the recent projects and accomplishments of the INFO College by reading our latest annual report. I hope to see you walking through our doors in-person soon!
Keith Marzullo
Professor and Dean
University of Maryland